Marketplace Banking. Tailor-made financing solutions.

Partner of fintechs

Peer-to-peer platforms are emerging around the world and revolutionising the way businesses and consumers access finance. They offer faster and easier loan processing than traditional banks and also enable financing for customers who fall outside the target group of banks. Our core role as a bank is to fund these marketplaces and give them access to banking services so they can realise their business ideas.



Tailor-made loans for digital businesses

At Varengold, we understand the unique needs of fintechs, marketplaces and platforms. With our tailored financing solutions, we support your growth and expansion. Our flexible credit offerings, combined with fast decision-making processes, enable us to best meet your needs. Together, we are shaping the digital future of the financial sector and fostering innovative business models. At Varengold, we focus on partnership and collaboration to ensure the success of your projects.

Your benefits at a glance

  • refinanzierung
    Refinancing your loan portfolio
  • keine_Interessenkonflikte
    No conflict of interest
  • Prozessgestaltung
    Efficient and flexible process design
  • verlaesslicher_partner
    A reliable and committed long-term partner
  • Frühphase
    An entrepreneurial bank that partners with you at an early stage

Debt Capital Markets

Cover your borrowing requirements and free-up internal capacities

An integral part of our strategy is the provision of funding to our customers in the Marketplace Banking sector and to partner with them in the long term. We hereby emphasise our willingness to support the refinancing needs of fintech marketplaces at a very early stage. We can help structure large transactions, by utilising our extensive network of market participants to bring additional investors on board.

Let's discuss your borrowing needs and find ways to best support your continued growth!


Equity Capital Markets

Strengthen your equity ratio

Besides debt financing, growth also requires equity. Through our network of market participants, we are able to help you acquire suitable equity partners in order to meet this demand.

Contact & Service Get in touch with us

Lukas Diehl Head of Marketplace Banking

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 66 86 49 0
