Do you have any questions? Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about applying to Varengold Bank.
How do I know which positions are currently available?
In the job offers section, you will find a summary of all vacancies currently available.
Are the published job advertisements up to date?
Our website only publishes vacancies that have not yet been filled or for which the selection process is still ongoing. The job advertisements are therefore always up to date.
Can I withdraw my application?
If you regrettably wish to withdraw your application, please send an e-mail to
Is it possible to do an internship at Varengold?
Yes, we offer students the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience during an internship. An internship with us should last at least 8 weeks.
Does Varengold Bank offer topics for bachelor, master and diploma theses?
Varengold occasionally supervises bachelor's, master's and diploma theses. If you are interested, please contact us with a suggested topic and the desired period of employment.
How can I apply for open positions?
Please use our online application tool for applications for open positions as well as for unsolicited applications. This ensures that your documents are complete and can be checked quickly and easily by the relevant department.
How can I get in touch with the HR managers?
You can reach us by telephone at +49 (0) 40 66 86 49 0 or by e-mail at
Which application documents are required?
Please fill in the online application form as completely as possible. The form has been filled out completely and correctly if no red mark indicates that either a mandatory field has been omitted or incorrect data has been entered. The application will only be accepted by the system if all required fields contain valid data. You are also welcome to use your Xing or LinkedIn profile for this purpose. If you wish, you can also add a current photo (in the formats jpg, tif, png or bmp). Regardless of the file type, the passport photo file must always have the file name "passbild" and be uploaded as a separate file. Complete your profile, at best, by uploading a cover letter, your CV, existing certificates and any other relevant certificates or evidence.
Can I interrupt my application or complete it later?
Yes, you will find a "Pause" button in the input mask below with which you can interrupt the input and continue later.
How can I find out whether you have received my application?
After your online application has been sent, you will receive a confirmation to the e-mail address you provided. This will be generated automatically and will reach you promptly. This ensures that your application has been received in our system.
When can I expect feedback?
Our HR managers will contact you as soon as possible. Depending on the position and the necessary consultation with the department, it can take about 1-2 weeks.
The protection of your personal data is very important to us. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the current data protection regulations in accordance with the Data Protection Basic Regulation (DSGVO), which came into force on 25 May 2018, and new provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act. In the following, we inform you about the collection, processing and use of your data within the scope of the online application.
In the course of your online application, we will collect and process the personal application data listed below:
The collection and processing of your personal application data is carried out exclusively for the purpose of filling positions within our company. As a matter of principle, your data will only be forwarded to the internal positions and specialist departments of our company responsible for the specific application procedure. Your application data will not be used or passed on to third parties.
Your personal application data will be deleted automatically 3 months after completion of the application process. This does not apply if statutory provisions prevent deletion, if further storage is necessary for the purpose of presenting evidence or if you have expressly consented to longer storage.
If we are currently unable to offer you a vacant position, but believe on the basis of your profile that your application may be of interest for future vacancies, we will contact you accordingly and store your personal application data for 12 months, provided that you expressly consent to such storage and use.
In order to protect the data collected as part of your application from manipulation and unauthorised access, we have taken various technical and organisational precautions. In particular, the transmission of your online application is encrypted according to the current state of the art.
If you have any questions about the collection, processing or use of your personal data in the context of the application and recruitment process, or in cases of information, correction or deletion of data and revocation of consents granted, please contact
Please also note our general data protection information.