Company Portrait. Clarity and transparency
for investors.


Varengold in portrait

Short & informative

Varengold Bank, founded in Hamburg in 1995 and with an additional location in Sofia, is a German credit institution. In the area of Marketplace Banking, it supports online platforms for corporate and consumer financing, in particular by financing fintechs and providing products requiring a banking licence. In Commercial Banking, the bank is active in the area of corporate finance, among others, and focuses particularly on ESG Financing.

Varengold Bank AG is registered with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority under no. 109 520 and is also connected to the Compensatory Fund of German Banks (EdB). The Varengold stock (ISIN: DE0005479307) is listed on the open market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Company Data

Year/Place of foundation
1995 in Hamburg
Registered office
Financial services
Varengold Bank AG
Securities identification number (WKN)
Stock market abbreviation / Reuters symbol
Type of shares (class)
No-par-value bearer shares
Initial public offering
March 20, 2007
Market segment
Open Market
Transparency level
Basic Board
Number of shares
Amount of the share capital
10.043.015 EUR
Fiscal year end
December 31
Accounting methods
HGB [German Commercial Code]
LEI of the company
Management Board
Dr. Bernhard Fuhrmann
Frank Otten
Supervisory Board
Dirk Auerbach (Chairman)
Vasil Stefanov
Tobias Weitzel
Designated Sponsor
Oddo Seydler Bank AG
Paying Agent
Bankhaus Gebr. Martin AG
Baader Bank AG

Statutes of Varengold Bank AG



Capital development


Change in capital

 Entry of the implementation of the capital measure or the amendment to the Articles of Association in the commercial register
Date (AGM resolution)Corporate actionCapital increase amount (nominal value)Capital after capital measureNumber of shares after capital measure
Decision of 20 January 2015Cash capital increaseEUR 176,963.00EUR 1,948,368.00 1.948.36820 April 2015
Decision from 
26 August 2015
Cash capital increaseEUR 974,184.00EUR 2,922,552.002.922.55223 February 2016
Decision from 
24 August 2016
Cash capital increaseEUR 1,217,730.00EUR 4,140, July 2017
Decision from 
23 August 2017
Cash capital increaseEUR 2,070,141.00EUR 6,210,423.006.210.42316 February 2018
Decision from 
21 August 2018
Cash capital increaseEUR 3,105,211.00EUR 9,315,634.009.315.63429 January 2019
Resolution of 
21 August 2018 
28 August 2019
Cash capital increaseEUR 727,381.00EUR 10,043,015.0010.043.01517 February 2020

Contact & Service Get in touch with us

Sanja Schultz-Szabo Head of Corporate Development

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 66 86 49 0
