Media Library. Access to images.

Dr. Bernhard Fuhrmann

Dr. Bernhard Fuhrmann Management Board

png | 139 KB

Frank Otten Management Board

png | 176 KB

Varengold Bank AG

png | 15 KB

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The photographic material published in this press area is the property of Varengold Bank AG, which reserves all rights thereto. The use of the photographic material is free of charge provided it is carried out in an appropriate manner within the framework of professional activity in print and online media. The use in connection with a report (about Varengold) or the financial sector in the broader sense is permitted if the correct source is stated. In particular, it is not permitted to use it for the purpose of unlawful and punishable acts, in a pornographic or violence-glorifying context or in any other degrading or reputation-damaging manner. The trade, resale and/or any other use or passing on of the picture material available here is prohibited. The Varengold logo is a registered trademark of Varengold Bank AG and may only be used in connection with reporting on Varengold Bank and its products/services. Varengold reserves the right to take legal action in the event of a violation of use.

Contact & Service Get in touch with us

Sanja Schultz-Szabo Head of Corporate Development

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 66 86 49 0
