Varengold Bank AG: voting results of the extraordinary general meeting
Varengold Bank AG / Key word(s): AGM/EGM/Capital Increase21.01.2015 15:52Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQSGroup AG.The issuer / publisher is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hamburg, January 21st, 2015 - The shareholders of Varengold Bank AG (WKN547930) have agreed to all agenda items at yesterday's extraordinarygeneral meeting in Hamburg with large majority. Thus, the increase of thenominal capital against cash contribution to the exclusion of thesubscription right was approved. Under the approved capital increase176,963 non-par value shares shall be placed at maximal two investors witha minimum amount of 20.00 EUR per non-par value share.21.01.2015 The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at www.dgap-medientreff.de and www.dgap.de--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language: EnglishCompany: Varengold Bank AG Große Elbstraße 27 22767 Hamburg GermanyPhone: +49 (0)40 / 668649-0Fax: +49 (0)40 / 668649-49E-mail: info@varengold.deInternet: www.varengold.deISIN: DE0005479307WKN: 547930Listed: Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart; Frankfurt in Open Market (Entry Standard) End of Announcement DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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